nipithё wa ne zhyayen
Which way are you going to go? (to get there)
nithё wa pitthik’men
How long will it take you? (to get there)
nithё ė pitthbozyen
How fast are you going?
nithёpi ga nё bgёmséyen
When did you get there (walking)?
nithёpi ga nё bgёmbozyen
When did you get there (by car)?
airplane né gwi nё bos
Are you going to ride an airplane? (to get there)
airplane né ki byé bos
Did you ride in a plane? (to get here)
shpёmёk ngi byé bmashmen
We soared through the sky (airplane).
i zhё anwé éko béshotthyak (éko - from here)
It is just a little ways now (from here).
wika sёna mbёmё bgёmbos
I am finally getting here (in a car).
néyap nwi zhya
I’m going to go back (there).
nwi moshknё’a
I’m going to fill it up. (anim.)
nwi moshknё’a o ndowdabyan
I’m going to fill up my car (with gas).
zhoshkwa i myéw
The road is slippery.
zhoshkwanon ni myéwen
The roads are slippery.
nasёna, wéwéné zgabyéngén
Be careful driving!