A. gin ashtêk, bodwén!
Your turn, you build a fire!
B. ahaw, gégo ne thё. ngё bodwé.
Okay, why not. I’ll build a fire.
A. ngё pitthë mawdonan psakwnéthёgёn. (pitthë - meanwhile)
Meantime, I’ll gather up kindling.
B. ahaw, ngёbiskё’anen anet nodё msen. (anet-some)
Okay, I’ll split some of this firewood.
A. ahaw, odё psakwnéthёgёn. mbish ngё naden ė pitth bodwéyen.
Okay’s here’s the kindling. I’ll get some water, while you make fire.
B. i zhё anwé ė wėbakwnék
It is starting to flame.
A. ahaw, bama zhё nwėtth psakwnémgёk nwi bdéknak penyėk.
When it’s flaming more, I’ll put the potatoes on.
B. gégo thagdéwmagwёt!
Something smells like it’s burning!
A. Hey! skёgmezé o ndё kêk
Hey, the water boiled out of my pot!
B. gi thagakzowêk né gi penyėk
Did all the potatoes burn up?
A. ttho wi, nami’i gi ė bėthêk gi tthagzowêk (nami i gi ė bėthêk - the ones under)
No, only the ones at the bottom burned.
B. ahaw mano zhna gda mwamen.
Okay, let’s eat them anyway.
A . ttho wi zhë gégo thagdéwpёgwzëwat. (ttho wi zhё gégo - doesn't matter)
It doesn’t matter if they taste burnt.
A. nwi dbabdan ngetganés. gda withiw né
I’m going to check on my little garden. Can you come with?
B. ahaw, kё withiwёn. winithё na ga ktёgadmen
Okay, I’ll go with. What all did you plant?
A. penyėk, mdamnêk, zawthisésen miné mnёthimnen ngi ktёgadanen.
I planted potatoes, corn, carrots and peas.
B. nithё ėshgёwat
How are they growing?
A. thayék sё zhё ktthė mathignon.
Everything seems to be really growing.
B. oh, oswnago géni gbé gizhêk ngi monshkwé
Oh, the day before yesterday I weeded all day.
A. nithansêk zhna géni ndё pėnmotwak, ėwi monshkwéwat, wiyé i na géni wėthё ktthė ktёgéyan.
I depend on my kids to do the weeding, that’s why I’m able to plant lots.
B. énwék sё wi na, gin wёyé gdё wthitmak. nin wi ndenshêkéwes. znёget ė nshêkéwzêk nangodgёn.
At least someone is helping you! But me, I’m alone. Once in a while it’s hard to be alone.
A. gda widmёw pi miné wi monshkwéyen. ngё zhё nashkёwak gi nithansêk ėwi nishokmagwyen.
You can tell me when you’re going to weed again. Ill send (chase) my kids to help you.
B. ahaw, igwiyen!
Okay! I’m grateful.
A. Ahaw, kё pa mskwёmnêkémen
Let’s go pick raspberries!
B. ggёkéndan né ėthё manéwat
Do you know where there are alot of them?
A. ibé i shkwёdé wdabyan myéw ga yawêk gdazhyamen.
We can go over by the old train tracks (bed).
B. ahaw, ngё kwé atkezné.
Okay, I’ll change my shoes.
A. dėbnak zhё moshknë’aygo ngot o ktthė kêk (dėbnak-'as long as/at least')
As long as we can fill one big pail.
B. shodë zhna gé gi gda pkёbthёgé. azhodaké gé ni ngё o pkёbthёgé.
You can pick here. I’ll go pick on the other side of the hill.
A. ktthė nomёk gbébanét ttho né ki mkёwasik
You were only gone a little while. Didn’t you find any of them?
B. manék sê zhё anwé.ktthė mko ngi nkwėshkwtadmen.
There’s alot of them, but a big bear and I met.
A. ki bmё nashkak né
A. ki bmё nashkak né
B. ttho wi, wgi gwékpo'wé. i zhna gé ni ėgi byé ktthė matthiyan! ki moshknё’a né o gdё kêkos (i zhna - then)
No, he turned around and ran. Then I got the heck out of there! Did you fill up your little pail?
A. éhé, i shê zhё nishêk ėwi moshkné’ёk.
Yes, this is the second time I’m filling it up.
B. gdėpsémen né ėwi pie-kéygo
Do we have enough to make a pie?
A. éhé, ggё nё giwémen bwamshé monégoygo o mkwё
Yes, let’s head for home before the bear comes looking for us.