Numbers Phrases and Responses ngot - 1nish - 2nswe - 3nyew - 4nyanen - 5ngotwatso - 6shwatso - 7ktthe ngotwatso - 8shank - 9ndatso - 10ndatso nshetth ngot - 11ndatso nshetth nish - 12ndatso nshetth nswe - 13ndatso nshetth nyew - 14ndatso nshetth nyanen - 15ndatso nshetth ngotwatso - 16ndatso nshetth shwatso - 17ndatso nshetth ktthe ngotwatso - 18ndatso nshetth shank - 19nishwabdek - 20nishwabdek nshetth ngot - 21nswabdek - 30nyewwabdek - 40nyanomtene - 50ngotwatsomtene - 60shwatsomtene - 70ktthe ngotwatsomtene - 80shank tso mtene - 90ngotwak - 100nishwak - 200nswewak - 300ngotsegos - 1000example: nswewak nsetth ktthe ngotwatsomtene nsetth nish = 382 Phrases and Responses