The next set of phrases has to do with something very important to most Indian people. It has to do with eat and eating.
Telling one person to eat.
Telling more than one person to eat.
Food, groceries, etc.
ki wisen ne?
Have you eaten?
ki wisnem ne?
Have you people eaten?
kwi wisen ne?
Do you want to eat?
kwi wisnem ne?
Do you people want to eat?
ngi kish wisen
I have eaten already.
gi kishwisnem ne?
Have you people eaten yet, or are you people finished eating?
gi kishwisen ne?
Have you eaten yet, or have you finished eating?
gi kish wisnewek
They are done eating.
gi kish wisne
He/she is done eating.
ngi kish wisnemen
We have eaten already.
nge wisen
I will eat.
nge wisnemen
We will eat.
Now we will review some of the sentences we have just learned dealing with sitting and eating. Compare the use of the singular and plural syllables. In these two instances, they are the same.
kwi tthibdep ne?
Do you want to sit down?
kwi tthibdebem ne?
Do you all want to sit down?
kwi wisen ne?
Do you want to eat?
kwi wisnem ne?
Do you people want to eat?
Notice that at the beginning of sentences, n signifies I or me, and k signifies you. (The K is also written as G, depending on the sentence and the writer.)
kwi wisen ne?
Do you want to eat?
ngi kish wisen
I have eaten already.
nin means I ….. gin means you ….. win means him/her
Also, notice in the first syllable the way in which future and past tense is indicated.
kwi wisen ne?
Do you want to eat?
ngi kish wisen
I have eaten already.
nge wisen
I will eat.