nithё ngom ėsh gizhgёk
nyéw gizhget ngom.
nyéw gizhêk yawen. (this form used only in present tense)
What is the day today? (of the week)
Today is Thursday.
It’s Thursday.
nithё wnago ga zhё gizhgёk
gi ngot gizhget.
What was the day yesterday?
It was Monday.
nithё wabêk wa zhё gizhgёk
wi nyano gizhget.
wi nyéw gizhget wabêk.
What is the day tomorrow?
It will be Friday.
Tomorrow is Thursday.
nithё ėtsё pongezyen
nishwabdêk nseth ngot ndetsёponges.
How old are you?
I am 21 years old.
nithё ėtsё pongezet
ndatso pongezé.
How old is he?
He is ten years old.
nithёpi wa dbėshkayen
ė ngotwatso gizhgёk nwi dbėshka.
ėdémen gizes ėngotwatso gizhgёk nwi dbėshka.
ė ngotwatso gizhgёk ngi ndades. (ndadzé h/s is born)
When is your birthday?
My birthday is on the 6th.
My birthday is on the 6th of June.
I was born on the 6th.
nithёpi bingo wa zhyayen
nyéw gizhgёk nwi zhya.
bama ngot gizhgёk nwi zhya. (bama-wait)
When are you going to bingo?
I’m going on Thursday.
I’m going to wait till Monday.
nithёpi ga bmё giwéyen
ėgi nёm’é gizhgёk ngi bmё bya.
ėgi nyéw gizhgёk ngi bmё giwé.
When did you get home?
I got back on Sunday.
I got home on Thursday.
nithёpi ga odankéyėk
odanké gizhgёk ngi odankémen.
odanêk ėgi ngot gizhgёk ngi zhyamen.
When did you (pl) go to town?
We went to town on Saturday.
We went to town on Monday.
nithёpi wa odankéyėk
odanké gizhgёk nwi odankémen.
bama miné nish gizhgёk (bama miné - wait)
When are you (pl) going to town?
We’re going to town on Saturday.
Wait till Tuesday.
nithё wa tsё pongezyen miné dbėshkayen?
nswabdêk nsetth nyano nwi yaw.
How old will you be your next birthday?
I will be thirty five.
nithёpi wa dbėshkat?
zisbakwtoké gizes ėgothêk wi dbėshka. (ėgothêk - when the moon hangs)
When is his/her birthday?
His/her birthday is in April.
nithё ngothi ėtsё pongezet
mégwėtso pongёzé (shna).
About how old is h/s?
H/s is many years.
nithёpi shkwatth ga wabmet (shkwatth-last)
mégwėtso ponget shna éko wabmêk.
When did you see h/h last?
It’s been many years since I saw h/h.