He/she is fishing.
ndë gwdëmothgé
I am fishing.
ndë pa gwdëmothgé
I am going out fishing.
nomëk nwi pa gwdëmothgé
I’m going to go out fishing for a little while. (Literal – For a little while I’m going to go out fishing.)
ngi pa gwdëmothgé
I went fishing.
nipithë wa pa thë gwdëmothgéyen?
Whereabout are you going to go fishing at?
zhėshkwzibik nwi zhya
I am going to go to Rat River. (Literal – To Rat River I am going to go.)
nakneshkanéng nwi zhya
I am going to go to Deer Lake. (Literal – To the Place of the Great Bulrushes I am going to go.)
gégo ne na ki gwdëmodon?
Did you catch anything at all? (Literal – Anything at all did you catch?)
Catch it!
nwi bgwëthina o gigo
I’m going to gut that fish.
nwi bgwëthinak gi gigosêk
I’m going to gut those fish.
nwi gakashkëwa o gigo
I’m going to scale the fish.
nwi gakashkëwak gi gigosêk
I’m going to scale those fish.
gizha ni shëmothgënen
Pass the lures. (Literal – Please, those lures.)
nipithë i ngwdëmothgé shkëmot?
Where is my fishing bag?