Nature Directions Body Mbish - watermbes - lakezibe - riverzibiwes - creektkep - springtkebis - small springwabskobyedo - small pondwabskoki - marsh or swampmoktthewen - bubbling springs (also a woman's name)gwektthewen - stream turned direction (also a woman's name)myawatthwen - end of rapids where river is calm (also a man's name)wawyatthwen - whirlpool (also a woman's name)wastthewen - rapids (also a woman's name)ksenya - cold weatherksenyamget - It is cold.gshate - hot weathergshatemget - It is hot.wensi - fogwensiwen - It is foggy.gmowen - It is raining.wenbisa - drizzle, light rainwenbisamget - It is drizzling (or light raining).bonimget - It is snowing.ktthe boni or ktthe bonimget - It is snowing really hard.gon - snowgonkiwen - There is snow on the ground. (ki means earth)mkwem - icemkwemis - hail (also a man's name)mishkos - grasskokmeskinan - our grandmother earthgises - sun or moondbek gises - moon/night sunwawye gises - full moon (literally "round moon")nengos - star (also a man's name)Wankwet - cloudankwet - cloud (also a man's name)gishek - sky or daywawasmok - lightening (also a name)tthigwe - thunder (also a name)tthigwek - thunderszgetagen - punkwood Directions Body