Items around the House Phrases – Bread Phrases – Items around the House dopwen - tablepedyebwen - chairnagen - dishndonagen - my dishwin wdonagen - his/her dishkwapegen - dipperkwabekas - cupkesintthiwen - towelkesintthiwas - wash clothwaboyan - blanketkezhapkezken - stovetaswen - cupboardmkwemitaswen - ice box or refrigeratormekek - boxkek - pailmbagen - bedpeshmowen - mattressshkwandem - doorwasetthken - windowmiziwgemek - toiletetthe gzinagnek - kitchen sinkwaskwenentthegen - light, lampemkwan - spoonbdektthigen - forkkoman- knifemokman - knifedbegiswan - clockdbegiswanes - watch, little clocktetagen - belltetagas - small belltatagasen - small bellsskewagen - spittoon or spittlebenakwan - combbenakwanes - small combtthikwegen - shovelgemsagen - axegemsagas - hatchet, small axebgetthegen - hammersebotthgen - filekishkpotthgen - sawmawdoshkegen - rake (describes motion of - raking and gathering)zgegen - nail (describes "holding tightly together")zgegas - small nailzgegasen - small nailsmegos - awl (descriptive of punching holes)zhabnegen - needlesebabis - threadsebab - ropemoshwagen - scissors (descriptive of cutting hair)gishkshegen - scythegishkshegas - sickle, small scythegwenbetthigen - cant hook (describes turning over logs)bnegtthigen - spud (for peeling logs)gwdemotthegen - fish hook (describes hooking fish)wigwastthiman - birch bark canoeagemek - snowshoestkenagen - cradleboardkwedaziwagen - laddershpemsegok - upstairskwedazi - climbing Phrases – Bread Phrases – Items around the House