nwi zaskokwé
I’m going to fry (something).
wëyas nwi zaskokwadan
I’m going to fry the meat. (Literal – Meat I’m going to fry.)
nwi zaskokwana o gigo
I’m going to fry that fish.
ngi zaskokwana o gigo
I did fry that fish.
nwi ktthë zaskokwé
I’m going to fry up a storm! (Literal – I am going to really fry.)
ne shiwzékwé
I’m cooking to beat the band!
ngë wawiswa
I’m going to singe him (animal).
nwi gishgzhan wëyas
I’m going to cut the meat.
nwi gikishgzhan wëyas
I’m going to cut up the meat.
nwi bidapkëwėbnan wëyas
I’m going to put the meat in the oven. (Literal – I’m going to put in the oven meat.)
nwi bidapkëwėbnak gi cookies
I’m going to put the cookies in the oven. (Literal – I’m going to put in the oven those cookies.)
ahaw, ngë bodakwé wëyas
Okay, I will put the meat in the pot. (Literal – Okay, I will put it in the pot meat.) (Implies to add seasonings, flavorings, etc.)
wëyas nwi pabwé
I’m going to add the meat. (to soup, pot, etc.) (Literal – Meat I’m going to add.)
gizhdémget né i wëyas?
Is the meat done cooking? (Literal – Is it done that meat?)
gdë wzékwé ne shna anwé
Is your pot boiling? (Understood to be a pot.)
kë gwabëmwën i mbop
I’ll ladle the soup for you. (Literal – I will ladle it for you that soup.)
nwi gwabëgé
I’m going to put food in my dish.
gwi siwtagën né gëné?
Are you going to use/put on salt? (Literal – Are you going to salt use?)
gwi waskëk né gëné?
Are you going to use/put on pepper? (Literal – Are you going to pepper use?)
gizha i siwtagën
Pass the salt. (Literal – Please, that salt.)
wégwnithë wa mithyen?
What do you want to eat?
pkwėshgën shna nda mithen
I’ll eat some bread. (Literal – Bread I’ll eat.)
nithë wa dopyen?
What are you going to eat out of?
gwi mithen né odë?
Are you going to eat this?
ayapté ngë mithmen
We’ll split it. (Literal – Half and half we’ll eat it.)
ngi wshkwénandëm
I am dizzy from lack of food!
nwi gwthëptan i
I am going to taste it.
It tastes good.
ngi gwdan
I swallowed it.
ngi mzëwégwdan!
I swallowed it whole!
ngi noshton i wisnëwen
I couldn’t eat all the food.
ndë wzam shkéné
I am too full.
ngi méngthi
I burped.
nwi gizhgama
I’m going to get fat.
gwi wishkbësni né?
Are you going to eat sweets?
gégo wishkbësni kén!
Don’t eat any sweets!
ndë wzam wishkbës!
I am too sweet!
gdë wzam wishkbës!
You’re too sweet!