A. winithё o yawėt
Who is that?
B. nshimé o yawé.
That is my younger sibling.
A. ttho wika nwabmasi.
I have never seen her.
B. Kansas zhna dnezé.
She stays in Kansas.
A. nithё zhodё béba nadet
(naden- to get something)
Why is she around here?
B. nesha zhna byé mbwatth’ёwé.
(nesha zhna - just)
She’s just visiting.
A. nithėtso gwёn zhodё wa dnezet
How many days will she be staying here?
B. ngo gizes zhna zhodё wi bmё yéwak
(bmё - around)
She’ll be around here a month.
A. ggёkénma né o kёwézi ibё thabdёbet
Do you know that old man sitting over there?
B. Oh, nmeshomes yawé.
Oh, that’s my grandfather.
A. dbёnwé ne zhё gmeshomes yawé
(dbёnwé - real)
Is that your real grandfather?
B. ttho wi, ngi wėzh’êk, bnёwi zhna gi mbok gi dbёnwé nmeshomsêk ga yawthêk
No, he adopted me. My real grandfathers died a long time ago.
A. ndédéyёm géni ndё nangoma o. nzhёmes shê zhna gégi gdaw yédêk. (yédêk - must be)
My relationship to him, he is my father. So you must be my niece.
B. igwiyen ė wabménan.
ttho ngi gkéndёsin ndenwémagen ė yawyen
I’m grateful to see you. I didn’t know you were my relative
A. bosho ______. nipithё na o gdanes
Hello,______ where abouts is your daughter?
B. ngom ėgi mnokmёk gi zhabshkan i high school.
She finished high school this past spring.
A. ngotthi né pa miktthéwi
Is she working somewhere?
B. ttho wi, ktthė skonwgёmgok zhyé (wak) nwėtth ėwi gkéndaset. (nwėtth - more)
She’s going to college to get more learning.
A. gégo ne zhё méméthêk wi ndo zhabshkan (méméthêk - in particular)
Is there something in particular she’s trying to accomplish? (refers to a course of study)
B. dbakwnёgéwnėnė sё wdezé ėwi yawét.
She wants to be a lawyer.