nithё ė pitthiyak?
géga zhё nso dbêgёn yawen
ngothi mana nso dbêgёn (yawnédêk)
How far is it?
It’s almost 3 miles
Probably about 3 miles (it must be)
nithё ė pitthiyak i ėdayen
nishwabdêk dbêgёn yawen. waséyawen
béshotth yawen or béshotthyamget
dépi zhna yawen.
How far is it to your house?
It is 20 miles. It is far.
It is close by.
It is quite far, quite a distance.
nipithё wthë yigwan
wėtth mok’ёk wthë yigwan.
What direction, which way?
Towards the east.
nipithё wthë yigwan ėthё dayen
nisathwen wthë yigwan.
wėtth gsenyak wthë yigwan.
Which way is your house?
Towards downstream. Towards the north.